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Brand strategy

Do you feel that your brand does not have a clear direction and that your values are not being communicated properly?

Aufzählung: Punkt 1
Aufzählung: Punkt 2
Aufzählung: Punkt 3

What is the purpose of a brand strategy?

A brand strategy helps you to define the direction and goals of your brand. It lays the foundation for all marketing and communication activities and ensures that your brand appears consistent and convincing.

How do I develop a clear mission and vision for my brand?

To develop a clear mission and vision, ask yourself questions such as: “Why does my brand exist?”, “What do I want to achieve with my brand?” and “How do I want my brand to be perceived in the future?”. Use Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle (Why, How, What) to define your brand values.

What is a SWOT analysis and how can it help my brand?

A SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool that identifies the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of your brand. It helps you to understand the internal and external factors that influence your brand and enables you to make informed strategic decisions.

What is a gap analysis and when should I carry it out?

A gap analysis evaluates the difference between the current state of your brand and the desired future state. It helps you to identify measures that are needed to close this gap. Conduct a gap analysis if you want to improve your brand positioning or identify new growth opportunities.

How do I define the personality of my brand?

You can describe your brand’s personality through attributes such as values and beliefs, behavior, tone of voice and visual appearance. Use Brand Personality Sliders and Empathy Cards to clearly define these characteristics and create a consistent brand identity.

Why is it important to define a niche for my brand?

A clearly defined niche is your biggest competitive advantage. It helps you to position your brand as the number one in your field and to specifically fulfill the needs and wishes of your target group. If you try to appeal to everyone, you will ultimately reach no one.

How can I better understand my target group?

To better understand your target group, conduct thorough research and interviews. Create detailed personas that reflect the needs, wishes and challenges of your target group. Use empathy cards to better understand their perspectives and develop effective marketing strategies based on them.

What are Brand Personality Sliders and how do I use them?

Brand Personality Sliders are tools that you can use to rate the characteristics of your brand on a scale. They help you to visualize the personality of your brand and ensure that it remains consistent and authentic. Use the words collected in previous exercises to clearly define and communicate your brand personality.

Start your brand strategy now!

Norbert Kathriner
Boutique for digital communication